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''Posthumous Gift''


Inhumankind is a project by Pablo Selnik (flute) and Àlex Reviriego (double bass), two of
the most active, original and fearless musicians on the Barcelona scene.
After several years working on projects of such diverse styles as modern jazz, metal,
contemporary composition or drone, and being key members of the free improvised sessions
from the Catalan capital, they join forces in the pursuance of an impossible music.
Shapeless phrasings, savage riffs, polyrhythms beyond logic... crowned by melodies of
sinister and burning beauty.

A duo that in its inhumanity creates a new concept of what's human.
On 2018 they release their first album "Self-Extinction", produced by Colin Marston,
published by the italian record label I, Voidhanger, one of the international's black
avantgarde references today, with unanimous applauses from specialized critics and being
selected for appearing on the most outstanding band's album of the year on Can This Even
Be Called Music?


On 2022 they released their second record called Self-deification, with the label I, Voidhanger too and with the collabs of Celeste Alías, Marta Valero, Marcos Martins and Eric Baule on vocals and Marco Mezquida on piano.


And have toured through some of the most important festivals of avantgarde music in Spain such as: Zarata Fest (2018 & 2019), LEM Festival (2019 & 2021), Grec Festival (2023), among others. 

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